Global warming is the environmental conditions that increased temperatures higher than normal temperatures. Heating occurred worldwide as a result of human activities such as deforestation, manufacturing and industrial activity, motor, deforestation, and forest development and raking stones natural treasures either above or under the ground. Scientific impact of global warming is melting the snow at the North Pole getting higher, rising sea levels and shrinking acreage, land size. Material effect is the occurrence of natural disasters such as drought, flood and fire and human impact of loss of life and injury. Actually, there are many other factors that influence the environmental warming.
and geographic concurred saying the main cause of global warming is that thin
the ozone layer caused by gas emissions especially chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs )
. If we are mindful and aware, 2005 is the season of the occurrence of a very
active hurricane. That there were 26 incidents and 14 incidents storm tornado occurred.
For the first time, the violent hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma happen in
one season. The occurrence of this storm has affected not only the Americas,
but also invaded China, Korea, and the coast around the North China Sea. Residents
in several countries in Africa are generally well-known as a hot country to
have a very large desert area has seen snow in 25 years.
Europe, proclaimed that many deaths occur due to extreme heat in July and in
Paris alone, a total of 29 people had died. Although this incident did not
happen in the heat as bad as in 2003 the cause of death of about 15,000 in
France and 20,000 had died in Italy. A well-known journal reported that drought
conditions and hot, dry has resulted in forest fires that destroyed more than
8.5 million acres of the world and eliminate over 1 million species living on
the land within 50 years. This incident has to do with global warming.
issue of global warming is an issue the world and not just our country
involved. The contribution of our country on the global warming may not be as yet,
as a global contribution, we also need to perform the effort in order not to
contribute to environmental heat.
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